Help: Searching for a job
- Multiple search terms should be separated with spaces or commas...
Surrey, London, Berkshire
- Phrases should be enclosed within quotation marks...
"Project Management"
- Find partial matches with wildcards...
Manag* (matches manager, management, managing etc.)
- More effective searches can be created using a 'Boolean' search method (what is this?)...
London OR Birmingham
Manager NOT Development
What is Enhanced view?
- The ‘Enhanced’ view provides a number of extra features and enhancements to greatly improve your job searching speed and efficiency.
- The greatest benefit is that everything is displayed for you on one single page - so you can search, browse, review and apply without ever changing pages.
- The search layout is divided into three main areas – Refinements, Results and Job Details.
- The Refinements area can be collapsed to optimise your screen space.
- As you navigate down the Results, the highlighted job will appear in the Job Details panel, allowing the job to be reviewed without the need to click the job.
- As you navigate through the Results the next set of jobs will be loaded automatically without having to click ‘Next Page’ links.
- The Results and Job Detail areas can be made wider or narrower to suit your requirements.
Did you know?
You can use your keyboard's Up and Down arrow keys to move between jobs.
When a more detailed job requires scrolling, you can also use the Right and Left arrow keys to switch focus from the Results panel to the Job Detail panel.
Please note - if you are unable to access the Enhanced view, you may be using an unsupported web browser (e.g. IE7). In which case, we highly recommend that you upgrade to a newer version.
What is Classic view?
- Classic view provides all of the familiar essentials that you would expect from our Job Search, such as paged search results and full screen job detail/application pages.
Alternative keywords and abbreviations
To help you search quickly, effectively and to never miss a relevant job we may adjust your search criteria behind the scenes to include similar matching keywords and abbreviations.
For example, if you are looking for a senior position you may enter the keyword of 'senior'. Some job postings, however, may refer to senior using the abbreviation 'Snr', meaning those roles may not be matched. In this scenario we will automatically add 'Snr' to your search criteria to bring back every relevant job.
At the top of the search results you will be able to save your search by clicking on the
'Save' icon.
Saving a search allows you to quickly perform the same search again the next time you visit JobNet. They can easily be accessed whilst signed in to your Job Seeker profile. For easy access they are also available on the left side of all search results pages.
We highly recommend enabling Jobs By Email for all of your saved searches. This can be enabled for new searches while saving them (see above) or existing searches once signed in to your Job Seeker profile.
To perform a job search across many international countries within one single search, you will need to update your preferred countries or use the link provided in the search box.